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Courses  >  Artificial Intelligence with MATLAB

Inteligência artificial com MATLAB

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Linguas [EN,SP]

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Discover the possibilities and benefits of Artificial Intelligence applications using MATLAB

Embark on an exciting journey into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and discover how it's reshaping our world. AI is not just a buzzword; it's a powerful technology. With the demand for AI skills skyrocketing, there's never been a better time to dive into this fascinating field. 


MATLAB is an engineering platform for integrating AI in the design, development, and operationalization of engineered systems. Engineers and scientists use MATLAB to build impactful AI-driven products and services spanning multiple industries.


This learning path consists in four courses on the fundamentals of the MATLAB programming language and ecosystem, and its applications to solve real-life problems using Artificial Intelligence (AI). Registering for this path grants you complimentary access to MATLAB Academy, an interactive platform where learning is hands-on. With just a MathWorks account and a web browser, you can progress at your own pace, anywhere, anytime. Through engaging exercises and projects, you'll master MATLAB for statistics, machine learning, and deep learning fundamentals, paving your way to becoming an AI expert. Don't worry if you're new to programming or if your algebra is a bit rusty—our courses are designed to be accessible to all. 

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Exclusive Benefits for OAS Youth Academy Members


 As part of our commitment to nurturing the next generation of engineers and scientists, enrollees will enjoy special privileges. Gain access to expert technical support from MathWorks and exclusive webinar sessions. These sessions offer a unique opportunity to interact with MathWorks engineers, get answers to your questions, and explore real-world applications of your newfound skills in both industry and academia. 

Course 1



Get started quickly with the basic concepts of MATLAB programming and computing platform. 

Course 2

Statistics Onramp


Learn the basics of using statistical methods for analysis in MATLAB.  

Course 3

Machine Learning


Learn the basics of practical machine learning methods for classification problems in MATLAB. 

Course 4

Deep Learning


Learn the basics of deep learning for image classification problems in MATLAB.  

Anchor 1

Share your progress with the OAS Youth Academy

It is of vital importance to the Academy and collaborators that we can see how our efforts  help you achieve your goals. To that end, we encourage you to share your progress in this learning path by following the simple steps depicted in this video.

Share your progress Mathworks
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Share your progress Mathworks

Share your progress Mathworks

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Comparte tu progreso Mathworks

Comparte tu progreso Mathworks

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If you prefer to follow text instructions, here is a short manual on how to share your progress.

  1. Make sure you have created an account and are logged in at the OAS Youth Academy website.

  2. Make sure you have clicked on the Go To Class button of your selected class and have completed your signup at the Mathworks Academy website at least once. 

  3.  Go to your Matlab class main page and up top you should find the option to share your certificate: 


 4. Click on Share Certificate & Progress and you will be presented with this window:

5. Click on Share with Another User and it will ask you for a user email address. Please fill it up with and click Share

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